Welcome to Heal With Art

I made this website to show the paintings and the items that I made while on therapy to overcome depression.

I thought I can’t paint or draw but i forgot that art was in me all along.

We are all born with it.

Art is in the HEART.

From the last two years I have learned a lot of art forms and created so many items that now I don’t have space to keep them all.

I can’t create more if I keep hoarding stuff.

That’s why I made this website so that I can sell them.

If you like anything here and want to buy, thankyou so much.

Even if you don’t want to buy, just go through the website and start your own healing journey with art.

If I can do this, you too can.

Create happiness and beauty in your life.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy here.

Jasmeen Mickey